Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Denial & Ode to Summer

Monday, September 15, 2008
Nie Recovery
Or directly donate whatever you'd like to the Nie Recovery PayPal account:
I LOVE Halloween
Everyone has Christmas parties and December is such a crazy busy month anyway, so that's out. Thanksgiving is not a month to hold parties, cuz everyone travels to be with family and it's more of a family holiday and everyone thinks Halloween is a kid holiday! Nobody thinks of holding a dress up party for adults! I LOVE IT! I always write on my invitations: "costumes are required".
Anyway, so my husband and I decided to start hosting an annual adult Halloween Party. I got the idea from my older sister. I spend months trying to figure out how to transform my home into an evil lair or a haunted old mansion. And picking out the food is as important to me as the decor - it's not fun to go to a party unless there's some awesome treats!!! So I thought I'd pass on a few links to my favorite Halloween ideas and websites ... you should start a tradition too!
Halloween Food
Spooky Tree Centerpiece
Tombstone Brownies
Glitter Tombstones
Of course, Martha Stewart is a bounty of knowledge and ideas ... here are some favs:
Orange Jack-o'-Lanterns with Sorbet
Pumpkin-Gingerbread Ice Cream Sandwiches
Papier-Mache Pumpkins
The year I was pregnant with my first little boy, I had to come up with a Halloween costume and I was almost 8 months pregnant and huge!!! This is what we came up with: 3 Peas in a Pod

frank bag

Friday, September 5, 2008

She and her husband are in the process of adopting and in an effort to off-set the cost of adopting, she started this etsy shop. It's a worthy cause, supports a wonderful woman and they are the cutest little girl clothes!!! It's really a shame I only have little boys! Maybe someday ... check her out!
mia bag

Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Colette Kids

jane bag

tracie bag

Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Caramel Corn

daniel bag

I'm all about recycling and re-using, so when my husband, Daniel, decided to downsize his closet full of clothes, I could not just let him toss them in the trash . So we offered the clothes to a few friends and widdled down the pile of clothes to a few shirts and a pair of khakis. It's so sad because the last few shirts left were ones I picked out and bought for Daniel and he hardly wore them and then wanted to throw them out ... oh man .... anyway, I decided to hang on to them and I threw them in with my fabric storage.
I sat down on Monday and had some time to sew and thought I'd like to make another boy bag, so I started rifling through my massive storage of fabric. I came across this blue striped shirt and Daniel's khakis and thought they'd be perfect for boy bags. I wanted to keep some of the elements of the clothes they came from to emphasize the recycling factor, plus it's just cool.
So the blue shirt bag kept the collar buttons and the khaki bag kept the back pocket. I think it gives the bags more character to know they came from someplace other than a simple bolt of fabric, don't you think??
naomi bag